Michelle Sheppard

Radio Personality

“I ended up hosting the show I came in to be interviewed on.” [1]

Michelle Sheppard, or as she is affectionately known as “Mama” mish is a highly respected presenter, advocate, and trainer in the gender equity space.  As a transgender woman, she appreciates the difficulties within the grey created by the gender divide, traverses them herself, and willingly takes others on the ride with her.

As radio presenter and gender equality and transgender advocate Michelle has created and hosted productions including Transpositions, Family Matters, and Trans POV (Transgender point of view)

Michelle brings her lived experience of being a trans woman into her work, running diversity, equity, and inclusion training, mentoring colleagues, and providing extra support to anyone transitioning or affirming their gender.

Michelle lays out the sobering statistics around violence and discrimination against transgender people, unemployment, financial troubles, and mental health issues but mixes them with anecdotes and funny stories from her life.

She embodies dignity, grace, and the change needed to make a positive difference in others’ lives, empowers women and challenges barriers to inclusion, discrimination, and harassment.

Her productions carve space for meaningful conversations, breaking down barriers and successfully bringing Transgender stories, voices, and issues to the fore of national conversations.

Michelle’s radio show Transpositions has been translated into podcast form, immortalising transgender voices and issues of our time for future generations.  Family Matters remains one of the most listened-to programs on JOY94.9.

Michelle sees her work, and its success, as a culmination of self and community discovery that radio has facilitated for her.

Michelle has also moved her digital work into more analog forms through her provision of diversity and inclusion guidance, public speaking appearances, and consulting work.

This Biography has been written in consultation with Michelle Sheppard.

Further Reading:   Celebrating diversity – the power of public arts and commemoration by Michelle Sheppard

Photo:  Mama Mish – photograph provided by Michelle Sheppard

Site: Her Place Women’s Museum is a not-for-profit organisation that honours and celebrates the social, civic and entrepreneurial achievements of all Australian women and their role in shaping our nation.

[1] Mama Mish (October 6, 2022)  Interview Radio Today with Sarah Peterson