Amy Gardam
Martial artist
“I started martial arts when I was 4 years old with my dad. We started in just a local school hall at the time and eventually, the martial arts took off and he opened up a little part time center. And then when I was 15, just shy of being 15, I actually started teaching with him, just teaching the little kids. And from that moment on, I loved it, made it a career and now I run the business. I’ve got my two kids, and I’m a full-time working mum.”[1]
Amy Gardam is the Chief Instructor at Edge Martial Arts School. Amy specialises in women’s self defence and confidence building, weaponry and helping youth programs in the community. Shihan encourages families to further their knowledge in martial arts and to see that it’s more than a tool in self-defence but an education in life.
A highly accomplished martial artist, Amy has been teaching for over 17 years and has strong beliefs in the philosophy of martial arts, and is dedicated to the growth and well-being of her students.
Amy began her training at just four years of age under the guidance of her father – the school’s founder Kyoshi Andrew Roberts.
When Amy’s father was diagnosed with a brain tumour and died in 2016, Amy continued his legacy by taking over the management of the Edge Martial Arts School.
With her Mother and sisters, Amy is a founding member of The ‘Kyoshi Andrew Roberts Foundation’ which aims to help loved ones and families living with terminal cancer. This foundation helps to provide Families with emotional, mental, and financial support as well as items to assist the care of their loved ones at home including shower rails, wheelchairs, and hospital beds.
This Biography has been written in consultation with Amy Gardam
Photo: Amy Gardam at Edge Martial Arts – photo supplied by Amy Gardam
Site: Gateway Reserve Lilydale wonderfully designed playspace with artworks by Yarra Ranges Artist, Paul Sonsie, depicting six inspirational, local sports women from varying points in their career, from up and coming stars to established professionals.
Commemoration: Lilydale Gateway Reserve artwork created by Artist Paul Sonsie of Sonsie Studios, Healesville. Commissioned by Yarra Ranges Council.
[1] Amy Gardam (2018) interviewed by George Fourie, 42 – Amy Gardam: Living a Martial Arts Family Legacy